The best gift, whether it be for Christmas, Hanukkah, birthdays or anything else, are personalized to the person receiving them. If the person you are shopping for is a fitness enthusiast, buying them a health oriented present will show them that you pay attention to what they like. It is also a great gift to give around the holiday season when people are generally putting on a few pounds.
If your friend or loved one has a home gym or home gym machine, consider an item to brighten up their space. A dumbbell rack is great for clearing up the clutter of having several sets of dumbbells. Everyone sweats while working out and needs gym towels and a water bottle, so why not get them a few towels monogrammed with their initials or a stainless steel water canteen with their name on it. These kinds of gifts are further personalized because it is something that was especially for them.
If they don’t have a gym, think of a gift that can give them a nudge in the right direction. A workout DVD is a fun option because you can also do it with them. The variety of workout DVDs that are out there will help you cater one specifically for the person you are shopping for. If they already have a Wii, PS3 or XBOX 360 there are some surprisingly helpful workout and exercise games. It feels odd to think of a video game that helps you get in shape, but with the advancement in motion sensing controls has come a plethora of amazing games.
If you are willing to spend some extra funds, an awesome gift to surprise someone with is a home gym machine. A gift of this size would be perfect to give to someone you live with (such as your significant other) so that you can share it. Depending on the space limitations, there are many different ways to go. A medium sized multi gym that could work most muscle groups would be perfect. For more ideas, go to Home Gym Machines Information.
A healthy gift is one of the best gifts you can give someone. It doesn’t have the immediate gratification that other gifts can give, but the long lasting help it brings is priceless. If you have a group of friends that all workout, consider having them all agree to gift healthy gifts to each other. Be imaginative and have fun too!